Wednesday, April 6, 2011

think about thinking.

romans 12:2
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

first, i must apologize. i lied about waiting another 3 months to write another blog. ill be honest, i think i put way too much pressure on what to say and how to say it. i get nervous. so now i'm not making anymore promises about when my next blog will be... but lets all hope it wont be in december...or january.

second, i have decided to change things up. i hope this is ok.lately i have had some good conversations and it has made me want to discuss many different things... not just james. even though i really like james and recommend getting to know him. he has some good stuff to say.

recently i have been thinking about thinking. i've been thinking about where my mind is and how it completely affects everything i do, say, and believe. ill be honest. i have a critical, insecure, worried, and doubtful mind sometimes. i hate it. but this verse has started changing that for me.

see paul tells us to literally be transformed by the renewing of our minds... not our heart, actions, words, or people... but by our minds. paul starts with the mind. that's usually where it starts with me too. whatever is going on in my mind eventually comes out in my life. if im thinking negative and critical thoughts, slowly i start becoming negative and critical.

the word paul uses for "transform" is the Greek word, "metamorphoo" which translates to our english word "metamorphosis." a metamorphosis is essentially when one object changes into a completely different object. there is no resemblance of the old object. like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.

our minds should have this kind of extreme transformation. but this is hard. sometimes i feel like my mind naturally gravitates to things i shouldn't dwell on. its almost like i have to fight to make myself think about the things i am supposed to think about. i guess real transformation isn't easy.

but sometimes i wonder if i am missing a huge piece of what this life is supposed to be like. i wonder if i am missing sunrises and sunsets, the amazing people that surround me, or even the little things God wants to say and do when i am too busy thinking about my to-do list, getting through the day, being upset at the days unplanned events, or obsessing on where and what God wants me to do. i wonder if when i give up fighting, i give up living... living the kind of life i was meant to live.

when i think about it this way, i kind of want to fight. i want to fight to think about what im thinking about... i want to fight to live the kind of life i was meant to live. one filled with joy, peace, love, and hope... the kinds of things that are worth fighting for.